Monday, April 12, 2010

Internet Safety Conversation

I chose to talk to my mom about internet safety. I was happy to talk to her about what I learned. I think she can use the information to help my little brother, but even more, I learned a lot from her about the topic. She has had a lot of experience in dealing with internet safety and teenagers. She gave me great advice, and I am so glad I had this conversation with her.

She told me, "Don't be afraid: we need to have a spirit of faith, not fear."
She told me that it's like teaching your kids about anything else--that you teach them what is right from the time they are young. Set boundaries and then check on them. Sit down with your children and talk to them about the consequences. Repetition is a big thing. It is really important to talk to your children frequently. And do it in a spirit of love.

Also build trust with your children so that later they will realize that you always give them good advice and that you will never lead them astray.

She also said that they have filters on the computer. She and my dad protect our home as much as they can and teach their children what is right to cover the rest.

Recently, my little brother got a desk in his room so that he could do his homework.Then he moved the laptop into his room. Then he stayed up late online (breaking the family rules about being online late at night). The computer is not in his room anymore. As soon as he broke the family rules, he lost those extra privileges. Plus, it's just a good idea to keep computers in a public place and not in the bedroom.

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